Capturing all that you are, just by being you


Series from a Snowy Sunday — Week 5 of 52 Week Photo Project


Awaking to Chester hacking up a hair ball this morning, I jumped out of bed.

Shoving my eye mask off of my face, simultaneously thinking "is my baby OK?!" and "God, please don't throw up on the sofa or our desks" (thankfully he was fine and the sofa + desks were spared).

Not the best way to wake up, but I was actually feeling rested and stayed awake.

15 minutes later, the snow began to come down heavy and damp.


I felt a wave of peace as I stared out the window with Chester, watching the snow fall. ❄️

I finally felt a breath of fresh air after digging myself out of the hole in my mind last night where I've been stuck the last week or so.

It happens in waves, but I was sinking for a while. I came up for air faster this time around, and I'm thankful for that.

I notice the tools I've been using the past few months are making their grooves in my mind and psyche as I change my thought patterns.


One change in particular was the thought "I want to go outside. I want to photograph" — I know it doesn't seem mind blowing, but actually wanting to leave my house for something other than an obligation, let alone in cold ass weather, was very welcome.

And to want to photograph in it? Also welcome. Anxiety or not, I am not the photographer that wants to brave the cold to get the shot. Sorry not sorry. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I just wanted to be. Be here. Feel.

And I did. I even had a whole ass photoshoot with a goose 😂. It was funny and exciting and the walk wasn't too bad. I loved it.


Wherever you are, snowy or not, I hope you can "just be" today. I know I'm glad you're here. ❤️

Week 5 of 52 — Series from a Snowy Sunday
