Capturing all that you are, just by being you


QuarenTEAM — Week 9 of 52 Week Photo Project


It was a rough week filled with unexpected trauma, and we got through it together. I’m also so damn grateful to have access to therapy because damn did I need it this week to process shit.


The last 365 days we’ve been spent nearly 24/7 together just a few feet apart. Growing, learning, loving. Back in January we celebrated 7 official years of being together, 8 since our first kiss, and this March we celebrate a year of running our businesses FULL-TIME, TOGETHER. It’s not how we planned it, but it was perfect timing, as usual.


I love you, AJ ❤️ Our laughs, silliness (like how hilarious you found it to lift my ponytail to make me taller 😂), solitude, togetherness, and resilience. I love our quarenTEAM.


This week’s photo was made in honor of my relationship, which I’m surprised I hadn’t made a photo representing just yet, haha!