Mariah Texidor Photography
Capturing all that you are, just by being you


016/100 Productive

Here is the final product: my sticker of #MyfutureHedgehog Mr. Scruffs haha. My professors couldn’t understand how excited I was about it. Either way, this excitement carried through the whole day and I was productive. Keep…

016/100 Productive

Here is the final product: my sticker of #MyfutureHedgehog Mr. Scruffs haha. My professors couldn’t understand how excited I was about it. Either way, this excitement carried through the whole day and I was productive. Keep it goin’ everyone. Shoutout to my hedgehog lovers out there ^_^
#VSCOcam #100DayProject #100DaysofFeelingbyMariah #WherestheHedgehogEmoji
