Mariah Texidor Photography
Capturing all that you are, just by being you


027/100 Imagine

Imagine RIT is one of my absolute favorite festivals of all time. This was my last year experiencing it as a student, but I have no doubt I’m coming back in the future to see what amazing things we RIT students are up to. I le…

027/100 Imagine

Imagine RIT is one of my absolute favorite festivals of all time. This was my last year experiencing it as a student, but I have no doubt I’m coming back in the future to see what amazing things we RIT students are up to. I learned a TON about 3D Printing as well as Music Engineering- I really am grateful for that; grateful to learn about things completely out of my realm but no less fascinating.

#100DayProject #100DaysofFeelingbyMariah #experiencethefuture
