Mariah Texidor Photography
Capturing all that you are, just by being you


Today proved to me that no matter how many times I fall off the wagon or beat myself up about my day to day disappointments, I can get right back on it. After waking up at 5:30 am for work, just to then miss the train I was supposed to be on, I imme…

Today proved to me that no matter how many times I fall off the wagon or beat myself up about my day to day disappointments, I can get right back on it. After waking up at 5:30 am for work, just to then miss the train I was supposed to be on, I immediately broke down, freaking out.
Sometimes, no matter how much I talk about it, no matter how much I try to not be so negative, it all comes speeding like fast ball right into my gut.
Nevertheless, I still tell myself what I say to others: everything happens for a reason. Good or bad. My emotional morning just helped prove to me that I will continue to try relentlessly to improve myself and be the best me I can be. So I give myself a pat on the back for having an early ass day, going to the gym after work, and being a little nicer to myself mentally (after the breakdown of course). Be a little nicer to yourself too, trust me you’ll be glad for the breath of fresh air.
